We are super excited to offer Tam Jam attendees 77% off our upcoming class Pairing Psychology with Psychedelics: A DIY Guide - Encore Edition on Apr 28, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT. Just use code: "HackingHealing"
We are super excited to offer Tam Jam attendees 77% off our upcoming class Pairing Psychology with Psychedelics: A DIY Guide - Encore Edition on Apr 28, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT. Just use code: "HackingHealing"
25% Off 5-Session Custom Preparation & Integration Package designed especially for you. An $800 Value for $600.
Preparation & Integration needs are different for every person. If this is your first time with entheogens, you might want to give more attention to preparing and developing skills and practices that can help you get the most out of your journey. You might also need support in figuring out what questions to ask from facilitators, red flags to watch out for, and how to build a supportive community.
If you are a seasoned explorer, you might not need much help preparing, but might need support making meaning of your experiences, or be ready to make substantial changes in your life. As a Trauma-Informed Coach, I can support your process, help you make meaning, and implement necessary changes to bring greater fulfillment and coherence to your life.
Each session will be tailored specifically to your needs, and we will use a variety of tools, including movement, art-making, nature activities, journaling, and dreamwork that engage the wisdom of your whole being in the integration process.
25% Off 5-Session Custom Preparation & Integration Package designed especially for you. An $800 Value for $600. Preparation & Integration needs are different for every person. If this is your first time with entheogens, you might want to give more attention to preparing and developing skills and practices that can help you get the most out of your journey. You might also need support in figuring out what questions to ask from facilitators, red flags to watch out for, and how to build a supportive community. If you are a seasoned explorer, you might not need much help preparing, but might need support making meaning of your experiences, or be ready to make substantial changes in your life. As a Trauma-Informed Coach, I can support your process, help you make meaning, and implement necessary changes to bring greater fulfillment and coherence to your life. Each session will be tailored specifically to your needs, and we will use a variety of tools, including movement, art-making, nature activities, journaling, and dreamwork that engage the wisdom of your whole being in the integration process.
Join the waitlist and be notified about early bird discounted pricing for two of my upcoming Psychedelic Business programs.
Join the waitlist and be notified about early bird discounted pricing for two of my upcoming Psychedelic Business programs.
The Keys to Decolonizing Plant Medicine Culture is a live workshop series for people who are white, or POC who have been racialized as white, who consider the use of ancestral plant medicines to be a core part of their professional or spiritual practice, who genuinely wish to see a more inclusive, equitable and socially just world.
Get $50 Off the $147 Special Offer with this coupon code
The Keys to Decolonizing Plant Medicine Culture is a live workshop series for people who are white, or POC who have been racialized as white, who consider the use of ancestral plant medicines to be a core part of their professional or spiritual practice, who genuinely wish to see a more inclusive, equitable and socially just world. Get $50 Off the $147 Special Offer with this coupon code TAMGET50OFF