Elizabeth J.O.
Founder & Coach; Author, Breaking Emotional Addiction: Neurohacking BPD with Ibogaine, Altered States Integration Elizabeth J.O. is a Holistic Nutritionist and Change Coach with 12 years of clinical experience. Since graduating from Bastyr University, she has studied: MHFA, human behavior, psychology, yoga, flow states, and mindfulness-based therapies.
About this speaker
Elizabeth J.O. is a Holistic Nutritionist and Change Coach with 12 years of clinical experience. Since graduating from Bastyr University, she has studied: MHFA, human behavior, psychology, yoga, flow states, and mindfulness-based therapies.
In her free time, she offers peer support in online forums and volunteers at festivals offering psychedelic harm reduction with Zendo Project, N.E.S.T, RestPit, and Sanctuary. She has authored Breaking Emotional Addiction: Neurohacking BPD with Ibogaine, detailing her personal healing journey. Elizabeth is passionate about reducing barriers to finding compassionate support for processing non-ordinary states of consciousness. Elizabeth is a founder and integration coach at Altered States Integration providing psycho-educational content.
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