Michelle Janikian Justin Boreta Alan Lili Colin Frangicetto

Rethinking Psychedelic Music

A Talk by Michelle Janikian , Alan Lili , Justin Boreta and Colin Frangicetto

About this Talk

Join author Michelle Janikian and musicians Justin Boreta (The Glitch Mob), Alan Lilienthal (Tu Lengua) and others as they explore the current state of music for psychedelic journey work, discuss their own personal favorite records for tripping, and make more room in the scene for other styles beyond the Johns Hopkins Playlist.

April 17, 2021, 10:45 PM

10:45 PM - 11:45 PM

About The Speakers

Michelle Janikian

Michelle Janikian

Author, Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion

Michelle Janikian is a journalist and the author of Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion. She regularly contributes her weird and radical ideas to Playboy, Psychedelic Today, DoubleBlind Mag and whatever publication is crazy enough to commission her.

Alan Lili

Alan Lili

Musician, tulengua

Alan Lili is a musician, storyteller, and aspiring psychedelic therapist. He is the founder of bilingual hip hop supergroup tulengua, with members from both sides of the San Diego/Tijuana border, and the host of “Port of Entry”, a KPBS podcast about the cross-border stories that connect us.

Justin Boreta

Justin Boreta

Musician, The Glitch Mob

Beat-Driven Musician; Member of The Glitch Mob

Colin Frangicetto

Colin Frangicetto

Artist & Podcast Host, The Cosmic Nod