Nikki Wyrd Julian Vayne Tom Hatsis

The Magical Art of Coming Down

A Talk by Tom Hatsis , Julian Vayne and Nikki Wyrd

About this Talk

The gentle process and discipline found in coming down - how to enjoy your return to baseline...

April 17, 2021, 06:15 PM

06:15 PM - 07:15 PM

About The Speakers

Tom Hatsis

Tom Hatsis

Founder and Author, Psanctum Psychedelia

Tom Hatsis is an author, public speaker, and psychedelic witch who, along with partner Eden Woodruff, runs Psanctum Psychedelia, a non-profit plant medicine education and harm reduction group. They also curate the Psanctum Psychedelic Library, the largest digital repository of psychedelic literature in the world.

Julian Vayne

Julian Vayne

Occultist and Author, Getting Higher

Julian Vayne is an occultist and the author of numerous books, essays, journals and articles in both the academic and esoteric press. His work is informed by the post-modern style of chaos magic as well as lineages within Wicca and Tantra.

Nikki Wyrd

Nikki Wyrd

Elder, Chair and an Executive Director, Chaos Magic Community, Breaking Convention

Nikki Wyrd is a well-known figure in occulture, and since 1990 has helped spread chaos magic techniques by crafting writings, publications, talks and workshops. She has attended and organized numerous rituals, residential meetings and public events, and is an Elder of the chaos magic community.