Ankhara Akheru

Founder, Cosmic Roots Creations Ankhara is a Father, Visionary Worldbridger, Ankh Alchemist and Psilocybin Integrations Specialist.

About this speaker

Ankhara is a Father, Visionary Worldbridger, Ankh Alchemist and Psilocybin Integrations Specialist. He has been in contact with entheogenic mushrooms and plants for over 20 years and has a full spectrum of experience from recreational to ceremonial. In addition, He has studied with many different indigenous cultures the Wirixa of Mexico, Norther Plains tribes of America and Rastafari elders of the Caribbean. He is currently working on a servic project in Oregon that will serve Veteran and BIPOC communities


Sacred Geometry, Crystals, & Psychedelics

April 18, 2021, 09:30 PM
Ankhara Akheru Naim Davis Ras Ben