Ankhara Akheru Naim Davis Ras Ben

Sacred Geometry, Crystals, & Psychedelics

A Talk by Ankhara Akheru , Ras Ben and Naim Davis

About this Talk

We will discuss the functionality and application of sacred geometry, crystals, gems, minerals, and entheogens, as tools for the journey of self discovery. We will also emphasize the important role ancestral veneration plays in synchronizing of all these modalities.

April 18, 2021, 09:30 PM

09:30 PM - 10:30 PM

About The Speakers

Ankhara Akheru

Ankhara Akheru

Founder, Cosmic Roots Creations

Ankhara is a Father, Visionary Worldbridger, Ankh Alchemist and Psilocybin Integrations Specialist.

Ras Ben

Ras Ben

Author, Free Your Mound and Your Mind Will Follow, 5G Wellness 101

Ras Ben is a humble servant and obedient scribe…

Naim Davis

Naim Davis

Founder, Infinite Treasures

For 25 years we have been creating tools and jewels composed of gems minerals and various natural components ie wood, bones, feathers, shells, etc; designed to enhace our connections with the heavens and the earth.