Nikki Wyrd

Elder, Chair and an Executive Director, Chaos Magic Community, Breaking Convention Nikki Wyrd is a well-known figure in occulture, and since 1990 has helped spread chaos magic techniques by crafting writings, publications, talks and workshops. She has attended and organized numerous rituals, residential meetings and public events, and is an Elder of the chaos magic community.

About this speaker

Nikki has edited many of the most important books of the psychedelic renaissance. She is currently Chair and an Executive Director of Breaking Convention, the charity which holds Europe’s largest conference on psychedelics. She is editor of a quarterly periodical, the Psychedelic Press Journal. She likes trees, and finds her Ecology degree comes in very handy when contacting the faery realms.


The Magical Art of Coming Down

April 17, 2021, 06:15 PM
Tom Hatsis Julian Vayne Nikki Wyrd